
Es werden Posts vom Januar, 2018 angezeigt.

That escalated quickly.

During the fight with Mercutio, I think I might have grazed him a bit. He should be alright, seemed like a hearty gentleman. I'm getting the other Capulet's away from the scene, I don't want anyone to start anything. Everything is going to be ok, don't worry. I'd like to thank Mercutio for a fun experience, and hope to do more of this sorta thing in the future. Posted by Tybalt, 5.5.1307


This is actually kind of fun. Apologies for blurry motion, I'm going to have to Contact tech support about that. So, turns out Mercutio is actually alright for a Montague. I hope he doesn't take this too far, I do have a reputation to uphold. HELP ME I'M ENJOYING MYSELF TOO MUCH. (Mercutio is kinda bad at swordfighting, but he knows how to work a crowd) (I should do this sort of thing more often) When the heck did Romeo get here :/ He'd better not ruin this. :/ This is bad. - Posted by Tybalt, 5,5,1307

Practice Fencing, kids

Not so smart now, huh Mercutio? Posted by Tybalt, 5.5.1307

Smack-talking Montague get's smacked

So, I'm at the Marketplace, no sign of Romeo. Naturally, I ask a Montague where to find him. Nothing aggressive, just a question. Noone wants to start anything. Then suddenly he starts talking smack, about duels and stuff. Mood: 😕 So, then he suddenly pulls his sword out and, well, you know how it is. Can't back down from that. I've got a reputation to uphold. Something tells me this isn't going to end well. - Posted by Tybalt, 5,5,1307
Got my entourage together >:3 This shan't take long. (Notice the side bars on the Rapier. Very practical for pommel strikes) Posted by Tybalt  Posted by Tybalt, 5,5,1307

Gonna stab that no good Romeo >:/

Romeo turned up at Yesterday's party unnannounced. A MONTAGUE at a CAPULET party. I mean, if we are going to TRY to live together peacefully, gatecrashing isn't exactly the best way to kick things off, is it? I was about to murder that bugger, but of course I wasn't allowed to. Something about Romeo being a good kid and not making a scene. Sure, beating the living daylights out of a party guest isn't good etiquette, but can you imagine what would happen if the word got out? I'm going to go claim vengeance for this heinous insult. Mood: 😠 Posted by Tybalt, 5,5,1307

The Prince's threat + Why I use the Rapier

There was a HUGE fight at the market square today. Some Montague punks were causing trouble in the town square today, and things escalated pretty quickly. No one was seriously hurt, but I ended up getting in a few neat swipes at that punk Benvolio. Mood: 😁 But then the Prince came and had to ruin everything. Apparently people are growing tired of all of this fighting, and now if it happens again, our old mens lives are on the line. We're probably going to have to beat that into Gregory and Sampson. Mood: 😒 It's stupid, that's what it is. Capulet can talk about keeping the piece all he wants, there's too much tension for any real lasting peace to be possible. Especially with those dogs lashing out at us every chance they get. THEY JUST DON'T GET IT, DO THEY? Mood: 😠 IT'S NOT ABOUT CAPULETS AND MONTAGUES ANYMORE, IT'S ABOUT FINISHING WHAT WE STARTED! Until we finish this, one way or the other, BOTH of our familie's names are goin